
Archangel Haniel – Trading Small Things For A Large Share of God’s Graces

The divine healer of families and relationships, Archangel Haniel, is here to inform you that whenever you feel like giving up, just hold on.

The challenges you are experiencing are momentary and you will soon experience your victory. While some challenges may make us doubt the existence and presence of God in our lives, your guardian angel is informing you that you are a shareholder in the heavenly corporation-so step up to your position.

A Shareholder God’s Company

As shareholders, faith is the investment that we have to make to enjoy the numerous privileges associated with the ownership. Sometimes our faith will be tested and the main question to ask ourselves is whether we shall be in a position to pass the test.

In Genesis chapter 22, we see God testing Abraham by telling him to take his only son Isaac and sacrifice him as a burnt offering to the Lord. The next morning Abraham sets on a journey to Moriah with two of his servants and his son Isaac.

On the third day, he leaves his servants and takes Isaac with him claiming they are going to worship. When he places the wood for the burnt offering on Isaac, the boy asks his father where the lamb for the burnt offering is and Abraham responds that God will provide.

Upon reaching where God had told him to make the sacrifice, Abraham builds an altar, puts wood on it then lays Isaac on the altar, and before slaying him, an angel of the Lord calls him and warns him against sacrificing the boy. A ram is provided by God for the burnt offering. 

How can a man be so willing to sacrifice his only legitimate son who was conceived in old age? When our faith is tested, can we emerge victorious like Abraham? Can we willingly trade our material wealth for heavenly wealth? Can we be ready to trade our relationships for a better relationship with God?

If the time comes when our faith is tested, we should remember to stay calm and trust in the Lord; your guardian angel will be with you to give you strength and grant you victory. Just remember that you are not alone!

Maximizing Profits In Our Trades

As shareholders in God’s corporation, we aim to maximize value and reap the most benefits. Your guardian angel is assuring you that your reward in heaven is great. Although you may feel like you are experiencing challenges that you never anticipated you would, it is just a low trading season and it will not last forever.

Archangel Haniel is providing you with the following tips to help you maximize profits;

  • Treat Others Well – The manner in which we treat other people does not reflect their status but ours. Sometimes our human nature may blind us, making us treat people judgmentally based on their appearance.

However, your guardian angel encourages you to continue being kind to others and treating them better than you would like to be treated since that is the greatest form of humility that touches the heavenly corporate and increases your profits in the form of blessings.

  • Trade Your Time For A Relationship With God – Sometimes we trade our shares and compromise our corporate ownership by focusing too much on maintaining earthly pleasures that we neglect our spiritual calling.

Like every parent desires to have a good relationship with their children, God too loves us and would like to have a good relationship with us. Whenever you feel like you are compromising your relationship with God to please humans, Haniel the divine healer Archangel assures you that he will always be here to help you restore your broken relationship with God as well as heal any pain you may have experienced.

  • Perseverance During The Low Trading Seasons – Our ability to maintain trust in God during difficult times will determine whether we will reap high benefits. Perseverance is not just about waiting for the end of the low season but most importantly about how we behave during that season.

Sometimes we are good at patiently waiting for the seasons to end, but we complain and curse throughout. This robs us of the opportunity to fully experience and learn lessons that come with low seasons.

Archangel Haniel informs us that the low seasons in your life are not eternal but they will soon be over so hold and maintain your trust in God.

Finally, your Archangel Haniel sends you messages of love and brings good omens along your path. As the divine healer of families and relationships, he is assuring you that you can always implore his help and pray to him when you need help in restoring and bringing healing to your broken ties. 

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February 26, 2025

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