
St. Anthony – Insured With God’s Promise

As humans, we often make agreements and rely upon the word of others. The trust that we place in other people can sometimes be misplaced, yet we know that God’s promises to us are the life insurance that we can rely on.

In the book of Genesis 40:14, Joseph was imprisoned and met a cupbearer who was a fellow prisoner. He did the cupbearer a favour by interpreting his dream telling him that he would be released in 3 days.

Then he asked the cupbearer to mention him to Pharaoh so that he could help to get him out of prison. Yet after being restored to his position, the cupbearer forget about his promise and did nothing to help Joseph in his predicament.

Just like Joseph, we sometimes place high hopes on our fellow human beings but are disappointed. We keep waiting on them to “rescue” us from our dire situations.

St. Anthony, is here to remind us that we ought to insure our life on the promises of God for he can never fail us. As the patron saint of recovery for lost and precious items, he wishes for us to not misplace our trust and take refuge in the eternal light of the Lord.

Your Life Plan

We race through life as if we have no control and sometimes wonder where the road will take us. Yet since the moment we entered this world, God already had a life plan laid out for us, and a vision for our success.

We tend to make huge plans about our future even when we are not sure that we will be present tomorrow. We draft vision boards because we desire a certain kind of lifestyle. While we may make our plans, the bible reminds us that God has the last word for the ways of man are not the ways of God. 

Saint Anthony is pleading with you to seek to restore the hope that you have lost for God has promised that in the fullness of time he will come to your aid. If you think that he has forgotten you or if you wonder if he is blind, you are assured that God will never forget the promises he made to you.

You are reminded that as a child of God, you need faith as life insurance so that you may remain standing when the misfortunes of life come kicking you.  Keep calm and hold on to your faith waiting for the manifestation of God’s grace for although he might delay, he will surely come. After all, a delay is not denial!

Unlimited Coverage

When God decides to bless you, there is no limitation to the extent of the blessings coverage. Human beings may put a limit to the extent of the help that they can offer you yet Saint Anthony is assuring us that God places no limit on his blessings. When the time is ripe for God to fulfil the promises he made to you, his grace insures your whole life, and your cup overflows.

If we get to know God and read his word, we get to know that there is unlimited coverage when it comes to his promises. Here are but some of the many graces that He will has promised upon us who place our trust in Him:

🙏 A life of abundance
🙏 to give us wisdom
🙏 to strengthen and uphold us
🙏 his presence will bring us joy
🙏 he will give us power for our lives
🙏 he will love us deeply no matter the circumstance
🙏 that he designed us for a purpose and that we can trust him among other promises.

If we get to know about the wide coverage of promises of God, we shall be quick to insure our lives with him for we get the assurance that he will always be there to protect us in any circumstances.

Maturing With Grace

Sometimes we wonder why some people seem so happy and blessed compared to others. Do you ever look at somebody and wonder what it is in them that makes them special? You admire them yet you cannot quite put a finger into what exactly causes it?

The patron saint of recovery of lost things is revealing to us that the secret is allowing God to be the sole insurer of our lives hence we mature with grace without worrying about the future.

To mature with grace, we need to lead a life that pleases God. While there are many life insurers providers that tempt us to insure our lives with them and they try to convince us of the benefits that we can derive from their policies, we are called upon to be loyal to God as our only insurer for his terms and conditions are best suited for us. 

Prayer for Saint Anthony’s Intercession

“Dear Saint Anthony, thank you for helping me realize that losing hope in life has had a great negative impact on my spiritual life.

I beseech thee to intercede for me that I may be patient enough to wait for the manifestation of promises that God has made to me.

May my faith in God be strong enough to insure my life.”

Amen 🙏

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March 5, 2025

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