
St. Damian – Time for Treatment

When we feel physically unwell and hurting, finding treatment is the first priority to avoid pain and serious repercussions in the future.

Our health doesn’t just affect us alone, but also all of our dear friends and family members who are connected to us emotionally, psychologically and even financially. Our health and well-being also has a huge impact on those around us.

The same principle should also take precedence in matters of spiritual sickness. Our faith & joy are contagious and is shared amongst the people bound to us by love.

Saint Damian is coming to us to inform us that we need to let go of our worries for this is the time for treatment. In his message, he indicates that God has heard our prayers and cries for help. We have lamented and reminded him of the pain that we are in calling unto him to haste to our aid.

Other times we have almost doubted his ability to offer us treatment since the heavens have been silent to our prayers. For this reason, the Saint of the day is bringing us hope and an assurance that God heard our prayers and that his delay did not mean that we were denied the treatment that we sought.

Diagnosing Spiritual Injuries

Whilst we are quick to notice physical injuries or ailments, many a times we take lesser notice of the ones in our heart because their effects are not as apparent. How then do we identify issues in spirituality and treat them?

Ask yourself, are you experiencing any of these symptoms:

  • Deep sorrow that you are unable to express to anyone
  • A lack of passion or zest for life
  • Thinking you are not good enough
  • Constantly having self-doubt and lack of confidence
  • Leading a sinful life
  • A tendency to procrastinate and push things to later
  • Not following through on plans

God understands that we all have our psychological scars and He wants us to live a pain-free life free from worries. The good news is that we need not bear these burdens on our own – in fact, we are NOT MEANT to carry our sufferings alone.

Christ didn’t just carry the cross for a spectacle, but as a constant reminder that He has the power to bear all of our sorrows, pain and regrets. As Christians we are not alone in this journey but draw strength from the Almighty God whose power is limitless.

Today we are called to lift up all of our spiritual injuries to the Lord and to ask for His graces to overcome them. If you are able to recall what hurts you then name them out to the Lord, or if not simply call upon Him and tell him how you are feeling.

Taking Care of our Spiritual Injuries

Carrying spiritual injuries does not mean that we are weak or undeserving. Saint Damian is reminding us that all our scars are a strong indication of our persistence and will to carry on. We should not be afraid of them, but rather seek treatment and healing in the name of the Lord.

Be thankful that with the grace of God you have overcome, and will continue to do so.

Not all setbacks are bad, especially if we learn from them and seek to better ourselves daily. No human is without pain, even most of the saints that we revere have gone through huge physical and emotional pain in their time but where able to rise above by drawing on the strength of the Holy Spirit.

Today you too will overcome.

Recite the words as Christ taught us:

Lord, I am not worthy to receive you, but only say the words and I shall be healed.

Call upon your heavenly father and He will come to you. For you may have suffered, but have been promised salvation. We should maintain a positive mindset and seek treatment for the injuries, keeping in mind that we are warriors and not victims.

Giving and Receiving Care

We are called upon to give care to the sick and help them in all ways possible to receive treatment. This implies that we should treat them with utmost respect and dignity, understanding that they are human beings just as we are.

We need to put ourselves in their shoes so that we may determine whether we are giving the care that we would like to receive. We are reminded that life is a game of uncertainty which means that just because we are good today does not mean we will be good tomorrow. If we give care, we shall indeed receive it in equal or double measure in our moment of need. 

Saint Damian is appealing to us to be very careful of how we treat other people and especially those who are in need. As children of God, it is our responsibility to spread love and care. We are called upon to learn from the story of the Centurion servant in the bible.

The Centurion man travelled all the way from his home to meet Jesus and seek treatment for his servant which was largely uncommon in those times. We too can do this by praying on behalf of others for their needs and intentions. When we pray for others, we too are strengthened by Christ.

Receiving Spiritual Remedy

Just as we visit a doctor when we are physically sick, we are challenged to always visit Christ when we are spiritually sick. Spiritual sickness is very serious and hence treatment should be sought just as we take physical illness very seriously.

Those who fail to seek spiritual remedy are at risk of spiritual death – lacking in purpose and faith. We are called upon to do regular check-ups on ourselves and others to remain spiritually healthy.

Saint Damian reveals to us that whenever we discover any symptoms it is important to seek remedy urgently. Christ is our doctor and is always ready to give treatment to anyone who is ill. His treatment is given freely and he is always available without the need for an appointment.

Prayer to Saint Damian

“Dear Saint Damian, I pray that you may help me recognize my spiritual injuries and illnesses so that I may seek treatment from the divine healer.

Help me and grant me the strength to take care of others while they need me.

May I be a strong pillar of love and emotional support for everyone I cross paths with.

In my moment of spiritual illness, intercede for my remedy.

I lift up all my ailments and sorrows of the heart,

and I fully entrust my well-being in the hands of the Lord.

St. Damian, pray for us.”

🙏 Amen 🙏

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March 2, 2025

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