
St. Jeanne Jugan – Safeguarding Retirement

As much as we enjoy leading life here on earth, we should remember that we are travelers on a journey. A time will come when we will have to go on retirement in the other world. The rates of our retirement benefits will be determined by how we live life today.  When we cannot speak for ourselves, our actions will be there to speak for us.

Saint Jeanne Jugan has been sent to us today to remind us to work hard so that when we will have retired, we will receive great benefits. When God created us, he had a purpose for every one of us. Although there are times when we feel lost, we are being informed that we have a mission to accomplish which is why we are still in existence.

Even when life pushes us to the core and we feel as though we are falling, we should remember that God is not done with us as long as there is breath in us. The only way to safeguard our retirement is by leading a life that pleases God and seeking to accomplish the mission he has tasked us with. 

Saving for Retirement

People tend to maximize their potential while they are young and energetic since after retiring they do not have the same strength. During the working years, they tend to save as much as possible to sustain themselves in their retirement years.

God has blessed each one of us with unique abilities and talents which we ought to utilize while on earth. If we utilize them accordingly and use them in making the world a better place, our works will please God, and he will bless us abundantly.  

Saint Jeanne Jugan is revealing to us that; seeking to please God is the surest way to safeguard our retirement and earn our rightful place in heaven. Here are some ways that we can save for our spiritual retirement;

  • Having faith in God – This means that we should submit fully to God and trust in his intentions for us. We ought not to doubt his plans for us even when things do not seem to be moving in the right direction.
  • Obeying God’s commandments – We cannot claim to be children of God yet we disobey him. By obeying his commandments, we strengthen our relationship with him, and we will be highly rewarded when we retire. 
  • Repenting our sins – Although we are sinners by nature, we need to seek the grace of God and his forgiveness whenever we sin. He is a loving God, and he is pleased whenever we recognize that we have sinned and seek his forgiveness. Through repentance, we save for our spiritual retirement. 

Focusing on the Future

Do you ever sit down and wonder what will happen to you and where you will be in a ten, twenty, thirty years to come? Do not be too caught up in the earthly pursuit of happiness that we forget our eternal home.

As sojourners on earth, our stay here is temporary and our destination is the retirement home which is heaven. For this reason, we ought to strive and safeguard that retirement for our future depends on our current actions. 

Saint Jeanne Jugan is reminding us to remember that we are children of God and that we are on earth to work on a contract. While working, our main aim should always be to; please and obey him. Since he is our employer, we should strive to do as he desires. After the contracted time has passed our contracts will be terminated, and we will retire on earth and go to our retirement homes.

Our retirement home will be determined by how we perform in our work today. To safeguard and be members of the heavenly retirement home, we are called upon to put in all efforts and utilize the resources that our employer has provided us with, to ensure we yield higher productivity.  

Planning for Our Retirement Home   

As Christians, we are supposed to focus on going to the heaven retirement home,  since it is the only place we can rest and be at peace. While God desires that we all retire in heaven, the devil is busy working day and night to distract us. He seeks to confuse us so that we may perish with him in hell since he is aware of the peaceful state of heaven. 

Saint Jeanne Jugan tells us to be wise and not allow the devil to use us for his desires. Let us resist being vessels of his missions and being contracted to carry out his works. Although his contractual works may seem easy and the payment packages attractive, they are meant to deceive us. If we fall into his trap, the result is condemnation and doom upon retirement.

Prayer to Saint Jeanne Jugan

“Dear Saint Jeanne Jugan, thank you for your inspiring message today.

Help me obey my employer at all times, and please him so I may earn a place in the heavenly retirement home.

May I never focus too much on enjoying life that I forget to save for my future home.”


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