Feastday: 23 December Born: 1390 Death: 1493 Patron Saint of: Poland, Lithuania
John Cantius (Saint John of Kanty) was a 15th-century Czech priest and theologian who is venerated as a saint by the Catholic Church in 1721. He was born in the town of Kravaře in Bohemia, which is now part of the Czech Republic. Kanty studied at the University of Krakow in Poland and later became a priest.
He is known for his work as a preacher and teacher, and for his efforts to promote the Catholic faith during a time of great religious conflict in Europe.
A Saint for the Poor
Saint John of Kanty is well known for giving so generously to the poor that he would even give up his own material comforts to help ease their suffering. He gave everything that he had to the people and did not worry about his worldly possessions.
He did not eat any meat, slept on the floor and rested very little. Known as a righteous man and charming teacher, St. John was very hard on himself but displayed extraordinary patients and kindness to others.
When he died at the age of 83, people were already claiming him as a saint because of his great deeds and spirit of giving. His unfailing spirit of giving was a strong testimonial to his faith in the Lord.