
St. Jude – Building Financial Stability

When it comes to finance and managing money in our lives, the Bible actually teaches us some very important principles that we should apply immediately.

Some people believe that money is the root of all evil. Whilst Jesus said that “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.” (Matthew 19:24), he also acknowledges the necessity of savings, and investing what we have to reap more.

Saint Jude, the patron saint of urgent financial help, is here to remind us that when we feel lacking and in need of financial deliverance, we should always start with the teachings of the Lord. Our God is the great provider who brings stability, peace and comfort for all who seek.

"Wealth and riches are in his house, and his righteousness endures forever." - Pslams 112:3

God brings with him abundance, love and stability for all who follow His teachings. Abiding by these principles that God has laid out for us are crucial to achieving financial success and security.

Saving Our Assets Forms The Foundation

God teaches his children to be forward thinking and to provision enough stores for the future instead of simply relying on others.

As Christians we are called encouraged to set aside funds, assets and collateral to meet our future needs. In Proverbs 21:5 the bible says “The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty”.

Proper planning and financial management may not seem a big deal now but can make a big difference even in a couple of years. Whatever the case it is never too late to start saving and planning for the future ahead.

Call upon the wisdom of the Lord when making important decisions that will impact your finances and remember the virtues that Christ has taught us in confidence.

Do not be afraid to start building up reserves for yourself and your loved ones. Wealth in itself is not “evil”, but rather the application of wealth that reflects our hearts intentions which forms the deciding factor.

Having enough to ensure the safety, stability and security of our families as well as to help others in need is something that God wants for all of us.

Making Smart Investments Are Important

Remember the “Parable of Talents” in Matthew 25:14-30 where a wealthy master entrusted his property to 3 of his loyal servants? The first two servants invested his property to receive good returns on what they had been given, however the final servant decided to hide his assets instead of putting them to use and was chastised for being “wicked and lazy”.

The message here is that God wants us to make use of whatever talents He has given to us to receive wealth and abundance. Those who put them to use shall be rewarded with even more.

The best ways to make investments that are pleasing to God is through values that are aligned with the teachings of the bible. This isn’t the same as using our salaries to bet on the lottery in hopes of winning, but rather to take a smarter approach and invest in things that will give good returns.

It doesn’t have to be financial in nature as well! Even investing in courses or skills that can help to upgrade jobs and lives are important for our overall growth.

Saint Jude wants us to know that wise investing is not only appropriate, but also commended.

Give Generously When We Have Been Blessed

“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.” - 2 Corinthians 9:7-8

We have all in some way or another been blessed by the generosity of the Lord. Charity is about doing the Lord’s work and contributing as a valued member of His flock.

It isn’t about how much money we give that defines our heart, but how we give in thankfulness for all that he has given to us. The act of giving is one of the purest forms of love that reflects our relationship with Christ and our honest intentions.

Never give simply for the sake of doing it, but always with good intentions to help others share in the love and joy that you have been blessed with.

Appealing for Financial Help

Most of us are afraid to seek help because of our pride. We feel that appealing for help, especially financial, is something beneath us and unthinkable.

In the book of Luke 16, the bible describes a rich man who was clothed in purple and fine linen and he feasted well every day. However, a man named Lazarus laid at his gate and he is described as poor and covered with sores. He desired to be fed with what fell at the rich man’s table and he was so poor that the dogs licked his sores.

Just like Lazarus, sometimes life pushes us to the core and poverty strips us of our human dignity. People may treat us with disdain simply because we do not fit into their status.

In such situations, Saint Jude is reminding us to turn to God and for urgent financial help. While people neglect us during our financial crisis, God can never deny us help.

Isaiah 49:15 “Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you!”

Take Care Not To Chase Material Needs

Whilst God wants us to be prosperous and share in his abundance, St. Jude also cautions that we should not chase material wants over good intentions.

God does not care how much we have in our bank accounts, but rather how we put the wealth to use in building His kingdom.

Prayer to Saint Jude

“Dear Saint Jude, I thank you for reminding me of the mightiness of God.

Whenever I feel financially drained, may I always turn to him for urgent financial help and not other sources.

Help me to be financially disciplined in the course of life and use my abundance to help those in need.”


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