
St. Nicholas – Your Business, Your Life

We have all been thought that the purpose of a business is to reap profits and grow its operations to make a bigger impact on people’s lives. What then of the business of God? Have we also been treating our faith with the utmost sincerity and importance?

Just like how entrepreneurs are often lauded for their ideas as well as capability to build a sustainable business model an ever growing competitive world, so to must we strive to grow the business of Christ and to spread the good news across everyone which we encounter.

Saint Nicholas’ comes to use today with a potent message of hope.

Be not afraid of setbacks or obstacles, for whilst companies and large corporations may fail, we will always be successful when we pursue the business of Christ. For when we draw from the power of God, no deed or challenge should be deemed impossible. He enlightens us that all who are faithful in the Lord will receive divine assistance when challenges are upon them.

Being An Entrepreneur Of God

When one takes on the risk of starting a business, they are not certain of its success which is contrary to being an entrepreneur of God. When you accept Christ to take charge and lead your life, you become an entrepreneur of God. He helps you find your purpose in life and guides you on how to meet it. As his entrepreneur, he will make you aware of problems set ahead of you even before they happen and send you the strength to overcome them. Having your creator as part of your life, there is the surety that you will emerge victorious in everything you set out to do.

Saint Nicholas today is coming to pass you a message that one who commits to live in Christ has no fear in them of whether they will triumph through life’s challenges. Also, being an entrepreneur of God secures you a place in heaven and you are certain that you will receive eternal life. Perhaps over the problems you are encountering, there are times you might start to feel as if accepting Christ is a wrong idea or is not worth it.  At such moments, Saint Nicholas promises to be by your side to encourage and let you know that delay is not denial and everything happens in accordance to the will of God. 

Overcoming Competition In Your Business

To overcome competition in your business, there is the need to find something unique and appealing which will help allure more customers evading experiencing loss. Similarly one who has committed to growing Christ’s business exempts themselves from suffering. They are saved from falling into the temptations brought about by the evil one who wants to see you suffer which God does not approve of. Having God in your life distances your enemies who want to witness your downfall. 

Saint Nicholas is making it known to you that it’s of importance if you chose to cling into being in salvation regardless of the tribulations that befall upon you. The advantage of this is that you will at no point be defeated by anything that is against your success. When you are a follower of Christ you are guaranteed of living a good life where hindrances to achieving so are dealt with right before they reach you. 

Presenting Yourself To God With Confidence

Offering quality products or services and establishing some specialty when doing so are some of the ways which gives you confidence that your business will thrive. This is much the same when we accept to live in Christ for by doing so we are confident that God will turn his face to us when we call unto him through prayers. Most of us have allowed fear and doubt to build in us which only delays the progress in our lives. 

Today Saint Nicholas is reminding you that Christ restored your relationship with God when he died on the cross for the sake of your sins. Therefore, one shouldn’t fear but instead present themselves with confidence to God, rubbing off the thought that probably he won’t listen to you when you seek him. Over the love he has for you he desires to own you and see you happy at all times. When you feel as if nothing is falling in your favor, seek God and through making a petition to him, you will ease the burden you are having. Saint Nicholas urges one that more to believe in yourself is the need to have Christ in you to boost your confidence.

Creating a Good Record for Your Life

In a business, one who keeps proper records of what changes are needed, what products need to be restocked is able to monitor the progress and predict the results it will make. There are times we do some things in discrete thinking that nobody saw us. God knows everything that goes on in our lives for he watches all those who reside in the earth and keeps the records for us. Saint Nicholas is urging us to accept Christ in our lives so that through him we can make a good record. God does not want sin to separate us from him for it will only destroy us and that is why he sent his son to shed his blood for us to be forgiven, cleansed and given a new life. 

Saint Nicholas tells us that God is understanding and from having a good record of your life, he will give you a chance to justify a certain action you did that is contrary to what he has ordered us to. He is willing to correct and help you act in accordance with what is written in his word. He gives one an opportunity to correct their mistakes and make another record.

Having God Manage Life’s Challenges for You 

It is safe if someone identified a risk earlier and found ways to manage it before it caused much effect on a business. Similarly, if you do not realize the importance of having God in your life, you are liable to experience so much suffering in life. God’s intervention through the strength he gives will aid you conquer through any challenge that arises in your life.

Saint Nicholas assures you that God will protect and heal us from anything thrown to us by the evil one. The saint commits to be there for us and alert us when the enemy plans the worst against us. He tells us to make efforts to know Christ who through him we will have God’s help always.

Prayer To Saint Nicholas 

“Dear Saint Nicholas, I appreciate you for giving me a clear understanding of why I need to accept Christ in my life.

Through the knowledge you have given me which I am so grateful for, has made me desire to be part of the growth of Christ’s business.

I wish that you act as my intercessor to the Lord when my strength seems to be fading away from the challenges I experience from time to time.

I feel blessed knowing that you are here to remind me of the need to hold onto Christ when I seem to be drifting away for it will lead me closer to my creator.”

Amen 🙏

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September 27, 2024

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