
St. Isidore – Hosting the Holy Spirit In Your Heart

My dear friends, are you ready to behold the power of the Holy Spirit? Have you seen the wonders and divine power that flows from the Lord with a tiny drop of faith?

Though you may not consciously notice it, the Holy Spirit works inside us to bring about change, guide our actions, and fortify our fellowship with God.

The Spirit is God’s agent on earth, and He seeks to renew God’s people with the same vitality that Christ gave them. He can guide our decisions and protect us from both material and spiritual harm.

We grow spiritually when we welcome the Holy Spirit into our lives and make room in our hearts for God’s mercy to flow through us. Think about how the Holy Spirit has affected you. How have His words of wisdom, comfort, or inspiration changed your life? Recognize the Holy Spirit’s role in your spiritual development and praise God for this incredible gift.

Hosting the Lord

Think about the analogy of a home that’s broken and run down. Would it be in a state to receive visitors and properly afford them the comforts that they deserve? If your house was a mess and full of hazards, no responsible person would try to invite guests over simply because one is unable to host them well.

Likewise our bodies and minds are the home of our consciousness. In order to welcome the Holy Spirit into our lives we must first ensure that our dwelling is in a state that is worthy to receive Him. God does not expect us to be perfect, but we must at least make the effort to choose righteousness in order to be filled with His presence.

When we are controlled by sin & regret, we are indirectly denying the presence of the Holy Spirit in our hearts. By acknowledging the presence of the Holy Spirit inside us, we become more receptive to His promptings and guidance, allowing Him to direct us along the path of holiness.

Receive The 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit

The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit which covers wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord is readily available to all who seek. Whilst these gifts seem very similar to virtues, the main difference is that virtues operate under the power of human reason, whilst the seven gifts operate under the impetus of the Holy Spirt.

Wisdom, understanding, counsel and knowledge direct our INTELLECT, whilst the gifts of fortitude, piety and fear of the Lord direct our FAITH and hearts to grow closer to God. These gifts cover all that we need to lead the most successful life that we can whilst glorifying the name of God.

These fruits are the outward manifestations of the transformative work of the Holy Spirit in our hearts and are proof of our increasing relationship with God. Since these gifts are powered by the Spirit, they are also defined by our spiritual connection to the Lord.

In order to better connect with our gifts, we must strive to make ourselves a vessel of God’s will. This means purifying your hearts by negating sin, going for regular confession, and spending time in God’s presence through prayer or meditations.

Take some time to reflect on these gifts and how they have impacted your life. So that you may be better equipped to serve God and His people, ask the Holy Spirit to increase these gifts in you. Consider how these gifts have influenced your spiritual journey and how they will continue to do so in the future.

Be receptive to the various ways in which the Holy Spirit may act in your life as you seek to strengthen your relationship with Him. Believe that He will direct and empower your quest of purity, bringing you closer to God and His will for your life.

Let Us Pray

Holy Spirit, I welcome You into my heart and ask You to help me on my spiritual journey. Bless me with Your grace and empower me to pursue righteousness. Help me grow the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit so that I may serve You and those around me more effectively. I have faith in Your insight and direction, knowing that You will bring me closer to God.

St. Isidore, pray for us. Amen 🙏
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January 15, 2025

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