
St. Matthew – Don’t Worry About Cashflow

For our whole lives, we work hard to put food on the table and fulfil the needs of our families. We all know how hard is it to earn an honest living.

Luckily, Saint Matthew comes to reveal that our worries of a rough life and cashflow situations are going to improve, for they are now in the hands of the Lord. Our creator does not want to see us suffer, and He has plans for us to prosper. Today He is reaching out to us to share in the abundance and providence of His kingdom.

How then can we start attracting financial blessings and fulfil our cashflow requirements? Does God know what you are going through and the help that you need? St. Matthew wants you to know that he will intercede on your behalf, so take comfort and lift up your needs to God in prayer. And know that our God, in his everlasting power, has more than enough room on His table for all the faithful.

God’s Reward for His Workers

Contrary to a salary, God’s pay for your faithfulness in him is not limited to any amount. He rewards his faithful workers, in the form of blessings that is unmatched by earthly gifts. If we maintain our faithfulness in him and draw others to His love through our actions, he will lead and always take care of us.

Most times when we feel neglected or abandoned, it isn’t that God does not bless us, but that our actions have led us away from Christ and as such have a poor connection to his graces. Return to Him and raise your needs and desires to His listening ear.

Whether it’s a petition for an increment in pay, getting urgent financial aid or simply to get a small windfall to help with living expenses, God promises that whatever you ask for in good faith shall be rewarded. Do not be afraid of calling upon the Lord and His heavenly saints for their help in your life.

Being faithful to God is putting our trust and loyalty in him without being moved. Those who are faithful to him attract immense blessings towards them.

When we face difficulties such as a lack of a consistent financial flow, we ought not to tremble because God is a man of his word, and will pay us for standing steadily on faith in his promises. Once we commit to stepping forward in our faith in Christ, we shall testify of his adequate provision, and faithfulness throughout any suffering you undergo in life.

Saint Matthew wants you to know that God is observant of the pursuits you are making to meet your needs and is inviting us to near God so that we do not experience any inadequacy in life. He will provide us with ways to get a means of livelihood, and not a single day will he halt our cash flows.

Above All, Work for God’s Remuneration

Some times we get stretched thin chasing the money trail here on earth, but do we also remember to seek our eternal rewards?

Saint Matthew is here today to let you know that obeying God’s word and following Christ secures you his wage (blessings) which is always accessible. When we take care of God’s work, He will in turn ensure that we are well taken care of.

Have you heard the saying the more you want something the more it slips away? Well the statement is not entirely accurate, but it does make sense for instance if you focus on the lack of money, you will always be limited in your ways of trying to attain it. Instead of focusing on what you don’t have St. Matthew is calling upon you to turn to God and focus on what you

Do not doubt the everlasting power of the Lord and draw strength from Him. In turn you will develop a stronger spiritual connection and open yourself to new blessings and opportunities.

Give thanks for the many blessings that you have received and reaffirm the faith that you have in God’s divine plan for each of us.

Never Compare Your Financial Situation to Others

It is important to note that comparison to others is simply the path to despair. Yes, we are all guilty of sometimes looking at others and comparing our social status, financial situations and standards. Yet it does nothing to help in our long-term goal of a Christ-centred life.

Any bitterness should instead be redirected into thankfulness. Remind yourself that you are blessed. Each and every day, we receive a multitude of blessings that we sometimes take for granted.

Be thankful for all that you have received and do not compare your successes to those of others. Whilst there are people in the world amassing fortunes every day, we know that our true riches will be awarded to us in His kingdom.

All the money, fame & riches on earth are temporary and will eventually fade in time, but our faith and devotion shall receiving unending rewards for eternity.

The earth and everything in it belongs to our wonderful God. When we realize that we are stewards of his resources and manage them according to his instructions, he will entrust us with more. God does not accredit laziness, but instead, he wants us to make the most out of the finances he entrusts us while expecting a share of the returns we receive.

You are probably asking yourself how you can gain a spot by being among those who will receive an increment. God says that when we present our petitions to Him in faith, he will give us whatever we ask in his name. Again, we should concede to manage money as per God’s instructions.

Prayer to Saint Matthew

“Dear Saint Matthew, I appreciate you for giving me information that erases my worry about losing my cash flow.

I am now aware of what to do to keep away from undergoing any inadequacy in my life.

When I get to my old way of managing my finances on my own, please always remind me of the superiority of God’s wisdom.

Help me maintain my faith in God to maintain my position in always receiving my blessings from time to time.”

🙏 Amen 🙏

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February 2, 2025

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